Attentional Cost - 200111
Still thinking about my project! Cal Newport’s book from the previous log was checked out, but I grabbed The Organized Mind: Thinking Straight in the Age of Information Overload by Daniel J. Levitin.
I’ve seen it mentioned multiple times before, but his section on “attentional switching” drew me in. It’s the idea that “switching attention comes with a high cost... Attention is a limited-capacity resource.” It’s a little different from shallow work/deep work, but it lives in the same realm. If we try to do multiple tasks at once, our brains have to hop between tasks, exhausting the resevoirs of attention. With deep, concentrated work, the cost of attentional switching is minimized.
In regards to my capstone, this supports the idea that people have to limit distractions and potential causes of attentional switching to truly focus. (And that’s why I have Apple’s Piano Chill playlist on right now. I admire those who can work while listening to lyrics!) “Attentional switching” is also another lens to think about visual representation. I get a sense of frantic, hurried movements, multiplicity, and busyness after reading about it. I have a certain style in mind for the motion, mainly informed by my own illustration style, but a grain-effect will fit right in with a sense of busyness and concentration.
I have a presentation on my capstone tomorrow in class; I’m excited to listen to everyone’s topics!
Question for today: Visually, what will my project look like?
Still thinking about my project! Cal Newport’s book from the previous log was checked out, but I grabbed The Organized Mind: Thinking Straight in the Age of Information Overload by Daniel J. Levitin.

I’ve seen it mentioned multiple times before, but his section on “attentional switching” drew me in. It’s the idea that “switching attention comes with a high cost... Attention is a limited-capacity resource.” It’s a little different from shallow work/deep work, but it lives in the same realm. If we try to do multiple tasks at once, our brains have to hop between tasks, exhausting the resevoirs of attention. With deep, concentrated work, the cost of attentional switching is minimized.
In regards to my capstone, this supports the idea that people have to limit distractions and potential causes of attentional switching to truly focus. (And that’s why I have Apple’s Piano Chill playlist on right now. I admire those who can work while listening to lyrics!) “Attentional switching” is also another lens to think about visual representation. I get a sense of frantic, hurried movements, multiplicity, and busyness after reading about it. I have a certain style in mind for the motion, mainly informed by my own illustration style, but a grain-effect will fit right in with a sense of busyness and concentration.
I have a presentation on my capstone tomorrow in class; I’m excited to listen to everyone’s topics!
Question for today: Visually, what will my project look like?